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Part number or Manufacturer |
$7.19 USD
| motor-bipolar stepper:EM-257 generic Stepper with timing belt pulley
This is the equivalent to Astrosyn SST-024 with a 10 Ohm coil. These were pulled from an Epson printer assembly. The high holding torque and small pakcage size makes it ideal for small CNC or robotics project. This is the bushing version, not made by Minebea or RepRap
Manufacturer page:generic
Specifications | Nominal Voltage | 7 | Current | 0.7 | Resistance (Ohms) | 10 | Torque (in-oz) | 44.4 | Torque (kg*cm) | 3.2 | Wires | 4 | Condition | pulled | Steps / Revolution | 200 | Step Size (degrees) | 1.8 | NEMA frame size | 17 |
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